
Showing posts from September, 2018

Autumn has arrived

Now the days are shortening and the first signs of Autumn are here, some of us enjoy the thought of long cosy evenings by the fire and use this time to relax, watch a favourite film or even start a new hobby. However, not everyone shares in the delights of this season, as shortened days and lack of sunlight can trigger the 'winter blues', for example feeling low and lethargic. Around 8% of people are affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), this can often disrupt mood, appetite and sleep patterns making life at this time of year challenging for sufferers'. Whilst we may all suffer from a low mood occasionally, those with SAD can find it very difficult to maintain their regular patterns, such as getting up for work, eating sensibly and exercising. As a result, it's very important that sufferers' develop strategies to alleviate the symptoms and allow them to carry on with their lives normally through the winter. As a clinical hypnotherapist I am lucky enough...